FULL GARDENS .com - Starting with M - Garden Plants - Comprehensive list of all varieties of plants starting with M, from Maackia to Myrtus (myrtle)

Comprehensive List of all Garden Plants starting with M

List of Plants Starting With M

Gardening Tips for Beginner and Expert Explore our detailed and informative list of plant types beginning with the letter M, covering everything from Maackia to Myrtus (myrtle) and much more. Whether you're seeking vibrant flowers, robust shrubs, or unique succulents, this collection offers a diverse range of plants to suit every gardening need. For a complete listing of plants be sure to go back to our Plant Variety Database

  • Maackia

    Deciduous trees or shrubs from East Asia, known for their ornamental flowers and compound leaves.

    Common Name: None

  • Macfadyena

    A genus of flowering plants in the Bignoniaceae family, often cultivated as ornamental vines.

    Common Name: None

  • Machaeranthera

    Herbaceous plants found in North America, known for their bright purple or pink flowers.

    Common Name: None

  • Mackaya

    Shrubs native to southern Africa, valued for their tubular flowers and glossy leaves.

    Common Name: None

  • Macleania

    Epiphytic shrubs found in Central and South America, known for their tubular, bright-colored flowers.

    Common Name: None

  • Macleaya

    Tall, herbaceous perennials with large, lobed leaves and airy clusters of small flowers.

    Common Name: Plume Poppy

  • Maclura

    Deciduous trees or shrubs known for their distinctive, large green fruits and thorny branches.

    Common Name: Osage Orange

  • Macropidia

    Perennial plants from Western Australia, recognized for their unique black and green flowers.

    Common Name: Black Kangaroo Paw

  • Macrozamia

    Cycad plants native to Australia, featuring large, feathery leaves and stout trunks.

    Common Name: None

  • Madagascar Jasmine

    Climbing plants with glossy leaves and fragrant white flowers.

    Common Name: Stephanotis

  • Magnolia

    Flowering trees and shrubs known for their large, fragrant blossoms.

    Common Name: None

  • Mahonia

    Evergreen shrubs with holly-like leaves and clusters of yellow flowers.

    Common Name: Oregon Grape

  • Maianthemum

    Perennial plants with arching stems and small, star-shaped flowers.

    Common Name: May Lily

  • Maihuenia

    Low-growing, spiny succulents from South America.

    Common Name: None

  • Malcolmia

    Annual or perennial herbs known for their colorful, four-petaled flowers.

    Common Name: Virginia Stock

  • Malephora

    Succulent plants with bright, daisy-like flowers.

    Common Name: False Mesembryanthemum

  • Malope

    Annual plants with large, funnel-shaped flowers.

    Common Name: None

  • Malpighia

    Shrubs or small trees with small, pink flowers and edible red fruits.

    Common Name: Barbados Cherry

  • Malus

    Deciduous trees known for their beautiful blossoms and edible fruit.

    Common Name: Apple, Crabapple

  • Malva

    Herbaceous plants with showy, five-petaled flowers.

    Common Name: Mallow

  • Malvastrum

    Flowering plants known for their small, hibiscus-like flowers.

    Common Name: False Mallow

  • Malvaviscus

    Flowering plants with red, tubular flowers.

    Common Name: Turk's Cap

  • Mammillaria

    Small, spherical cacti known for their woolly or spiny stems and colorful flowers.

    Common Name: None

  • Mandevilla

    Climbing vines with large, trumpet-shaped flowers.

    Common Name: None

  • Mandragora

    Perennial herbs with thick roots and bell-shaped flowers.

    Common Name: Mandrake

  • Manettia

    Climbing plants with tubular flowers.

    Common Name: Firecracker Vine

  • Manglietia

    Trees or shrubs related to magnolias.

    Common Name: None

  • Maranta

    Tropical plants with strikingly patterned leaves.

    Common Name: Prayer Plant

  • Margyricarpus

    Low-growing shrubs with small, white berries.

    Common Name: Pearlfruit

  • Marrubium

    Perennial herbs with woolly leaves and white or pink flowers.

    Common Name: Horehound

  • Marsilea

    Aquatic ferns with clover-like leaves.

    Common Name: Pepperwort

  • Masdevallia

    A genus of orchids known for their unusual and colorful flowers.

    Common Name: None

  • Matteuccia

    Perennial ferns known for their vase-shaped growth habit.

    Common Name: Ostrich Fern

  • Matthiola

    Herbaceous plants with fragrant, colorful flowers.

    Common Name: Stock

  • Maurandella

    Climbing plants with tubular flowers.

    Common Name: None

  • Maurandya

    Vining plants with tubular flowers.

    Common Name: Climbing Snapdragon

  • Maxillaria

    Orchids with a wide range of flower shapes and colors.

    Common Name: None

  • Maytenus

    Shrubs or small trees with simple, evergreen leaves.

    Common Name: None

  • Mazus

    Low-growing, spreading perennials with small, blue or white flowers.

    Common Name: None

  • Meconopsis

    Herbaceous plants known for their large, poppy-like flowers, often in shades of blue.

    Common Name: Himalayan Blue Poppy

  • Medicago

    Genus of flowering plants in the legume family, many of which are used as forage crops.

    Common Name: Alfalfa

  • Medinilla

    Ornamental plants known for their large, showy flower clusters.

    Common Name: None

  • Meehania

    Creeping perennials with blue or purple flowers.

    Common Name: False Pennyroyal

  • Megacodon

    Herbaceous plants with large, bell-shaped flowers.

    Common Name: None

  • Megaskepasma

    Tropical shrubs with large, colorful bracts and small flowers.

    Common Name: Brazilian Red Cloak

  • Melaleuca

    Evergreen shrubs or trees with papery bark and bottlebrush-like flower spikes.

    Common Name: Paperbark

  • Melasphaerula

    Small, bulbous plants with grass-like leaves and tiny flowers.

    Common Name: Fairy Bells

  • Melastoma

    Shrubs or small trees with showy, five-petaled flowers.

    Common Name: Indian Rhododendron

  • Melia

    Deciduous trees known for their fragrant, lilac-like flowers and berry-like fruits.

    Common Name: Chinaberry

  • Melianthus

    Shrubs with large, serrated leaves and nectar-rich flowers.

    Common Name: Honey Bush

  • Melica

    Perennial grasses with slender, arching stems and spike-like flower clusters.

    Common Name: Melick

  • Melicytus

    Shrubs or small trees with small, bell-shaped flowers and berry-like fruits.

    Common Name: None

  • Melilotus

    Description: Annual or biennial herbs known for their fragrant, sweet-smelling flowers.

    Common Name: Sweet Clover

  • Melinis

    Grasses with feathery flower plumes, often pink or red in color.

    Common Name: None

  • Meliosma

    Shrubs or small trees with compound leaves and small, fragrant flowers.

    Common Name: None

  • Melissa

    Perennial herbs with lemon-scented leaves and small white or yellow flowers.

    Common Name: Balm

  • Melittis

    Perennial herbs with aromatic leaves and showy, two-lipped flowers.

    Common Name: Bastard Balm

  • Melocactus

    Cacti with a distinctive cephalium, a cap-like structure that produces flowers and fruit.

    Common Name: Turk's Cap

  • Menispermum

    Climbing plants with palmate leaves and small, greenish flowers.

    Common Name: Moonseed

  • Mentha

    A genus of aromatic herbs with square stems and opposite leaves.

    Common Name: Mint

  • Mentzelia

    Herbaceous plants with star-shaped flowers, often with spiny foliage.

    Common Name: Blazing Star, Starflower

  • Menyanthes

    Aquatic or semi-aquatic plants with trifoliate leaves and showy flower clusters.

    Common Name: Buckbean

  • Menziesia

    Shrubs with bell-shaped flowers, closely related to rhododendrons.

    Common Name: None

  • Merendera

    Small, bulbous plants with crocus-like flowers.

    Common Name: Autumn Crocus

  • Merremia

    Twining vines with heart-shaped leaves and funnel-shaped flowers.

    Common Name: Woodrose

  • Mertensia

    Perennial plants with nodding, bell-shaped flowers, often blue in color.

    Common Name: Bluebell

  • Mespilus

    Deciduous trees or shrubs known for their edible fruit.

    Common Name: Medlar

  • Metasequoia

    Deciduous conifers known for their feathery foliage and rapid growth.

    Common Name: Dawn Redwood

  • Metrosideros

    Evergreen trees and shrubs with showy, brush-like flowers.

    Common Name: New Zealand Christmas Tree, Pohutukawa

  • Meum

    Perennial herbs with finely divided leaves and small, white or pink flowers.

    Common Name: Baldmoney, Spignel

  • Mexicoa

    Orchids with small, white flowers and a compact growth habit.

    Common Name: None

  • Michauxia

    Perennial plants with tall flower spikes and star-shaped flowers.

    Common Name: None

  • Michelia

    Evergreen trees and shrubs with fragrant, magnolia-like flowers.

    Common Name: None

  • Microbiota

    Evergreen shrubs with scale-like leaves, similar in appearance to junipers.

    Common Name: None

  • Microcachrys

    Low-growing conifers with small, scale-like leaves.

    Common Name: None

  • Microlepia

    Ferns with delicate, finely divided fronds.

    Common Name: None

  • Micromeria

    Perennial herbs with small, aromatic leaves and tubular flowers.

    Common Name: None

  • Mikania

    Climbing plants with small, fragrant flowers, often used in herbal medicine.

    Common Name: Climbing Hempweed

  • Milium

    Grass-like plants with delicate flower spikes.

    Common Name: Millet Grass

  • Milla

    Bulbous plants with star-shaped flowers.

    Common Name: Star Flower

  • Millettia

    Flowering plants in the legume family, often with brightly colored flowers.

    Common Name: None

  • Miltonia

    Orchids with striking, pansy-like flowers.

    Common Name: None

  • Miltoniopsis

    Orchids with large, fragrant flowers resembling pansies.

    Common Name: Pansy Orchid

  • Mimetes

    Shrubs native to South Africa, known for their unusual, colorful flowers.

    Common Name: None

  • Mimosa

    Herbaceous plants and shrubs known for their sensitive leaves and bright flowers.

    Common Name: Sensitive Plant

  • Mimulus

    Herbaceous plants with showy, tubular flowers, often in shades of yellow and red.

    Common Name: Monkey Flower

  • Mirabilis

    Perennial herbs with fragrant, trumpet-shaped flowers that open in the evening.

    Common Name: Four O'Clock

  • Miscanthus

    Tall grasses with feathery flower plumes, often used in ornamental gardens.

    Common Name: Eulalia

  • Mitchella

    Creeping plants with small, white flowers and red berries.

    Common Name: Partridge Berry

  • Mitella

    Perennial herbs with delicate, star-shaped flowers.

    Common Name: Bishop's Cap

  • Mitraria

    Shrubs with tubular, red or orange flowers.

    Common Name: Chilean Mitre Flower

  • Molinia

    Perennial grasses with slender stems and airy flower plumes.

    Common Name: Moor Grass

  • Moltkia

    Shrubs or subshrubs with blue, tubular flowers.

    Common Name: None

  • Moluccella

    Annual plants known for their tall spikes of green, bell-shaped flowers.

    Common Name: Bells of Ireland

  • Monadenium

    Succulent plants with thick stems and small, tubular flowers.

    Common Name: None

  • Monanthes

    Small, rosette-forming succulents with tiny, star-shaped flowers.

    Common Name: None

  • Monarda

    Herbaceous perennials with aromatic leaves and clusters of tubular flowers.

    Common Name: Bee Balm

  • Monardella

    Perennial herbs with mint-scented leaves and lavender flowers.

    Common Name: Coyote Mint

  • Monstera

    Tropical plants with large, perforated leaves, often grown as houseplants.

    Common Name: Swiss Cheese Plant

  • Moraea

    Perennial plants with iris-like flowers, often in bright colors.

    Common Name: Cape Tulip

  • Morina

    Herbaceous plants with spiny leaves and whorls of tubular flowers.

    Common Name: Whorlflower

  • Morisia

    Low-growing plants with yellow, cruciform flowers.

    Common Name: None

  • Morus

    Deciduous trees known for their edible berries.

    Common Name: Mulberry

  • Mucuna

    Climbing vines with large, bean-like seeds and clusters of flowers.

    Common Name: Velvet Bean, Deer’s Eye Bean or Sea Bean

  • Muehlenbeckia

    Twining plants with small, round leaves, often used as ground cover.

    Common Name: Wire Vine

  • Mukdenia

    Perennial plants with lobed leaves and small, white flowers.

    Common Name: None

  • Musa

    Tropical plants known for their large leaves and edible fruit.

    Common Name: Banana, Plantain

  • Muscari

    Spring-blooming bulbs with clusters of small, bell-shaped flowers.

    Common Name: Grape Hyacinth

  • Mussaenda

    Tropical shrubs with large, colorful bracts surrounding the small flowers.

    Common Name: Bangkok Rose

  • Mutisia

    Climbing plants with large, daisy-like flowers.

    Common Name: None

  • Myoporum

    Evergreen shrubs or small trees with tiny, star-shaped flowers.

    Common Name: None

  • Myosotidium

    Perennial plants with large, glossy leaves and clusters of blue flowers.

    Common Name: Chatham Island Forget-me-not

  • Myosotis

    Herbaceous plants with small, five-petaled flowers, often blue in color.

    Common Name: Forget-me-not

  • Myrica

    Shrubs or small trees with aromatic leaves and small, waxy fruits.

    Common Name: Bayberry

  • Myrica Gale

    Deciduous shrubs commonly found in wetlands, known for their aromatic leaves and small, waxy fruits.

    Common Name: Bog Myrtle

  • Myriophyllum

    Aquatic plants with finely divided, feathery leaves.

    Common Name: Milfoil

  • Myrrhis

    Perennial herbs with fern-like leaves and small, white flowers.

    Common Name: Sweet Cicely

  • Myrsine

    Evergreen shrubs or small trees with simple leaves and small, white or pink flowers.

    Common Name: None

  • Myrteola

    Low-growing shrubs with small leaves and edible berries, often found in South American regions.

    Common Name: None

  • Myrtillocactus

    Cacti with blue-green stems and edible berries, commonly found in arid regions.

    Common Name: None

  • Myrtus

    Evergreen shrubs with aromatic leaves and white or pink flowers.

    Common Name: Myrtle

Gardening Tips for Beginners and Experts

Achieving gardening success involves understanding the specific needs of each plant. Key factors such as soil type, sunlight exposure, and watering requirements play a crucial role. This guide will assist you in selecting the right plants for your garden, ensuring a thriving and beautiful landscape. By incorporating a diverse range of plants starting with the letter M, you can significantly enhance the beauty and variety of your garden. Whether you are looking for vibrant flowers, hardy shrubs, or unique succulents, this list has a plant to suit every preference.

Explore the comprehensive selection of plants that start with the letter M and discover how they can transform your garden into a lush, diverse, and stunning environment. Happy gardening!