The term "vegetable" generally refers to the edible part of a plant. The definition is traditional rather than scientific. It is somewhat arbitrary and subjective, as it is determined by individual cultural customs of cooking and food preparation.
Normally, any herbaceous plant or plant part which is regularly eaten as food by humans would be considered to be a vegetable. Mushrooms, though belonging to the biological kingdom Fungi, are also generally considered vegetables in the retail industry. Nuts, seeds, grains, herbs, spices and culinary fruits (see below), are not normally considered to be vegetables, with the exception of corn, even though they are all parts of plants.
In general, vegetables are regarded by cooks as being suitable for savory or salted dishes, rather than sweet dishes, although there are many exceptions, such as pumpkin pie and rhubarb crumble. Some vegetables, such as carrots, bell peppers and celery, are eaten either raw or cooked; while others, such as potato, are traditionally eaten only when cooked. [top]
Is it a fruit or a vegetable?

The word "vegetable" is a culinary term, not a botanical term. The word "fruit" on the other hand can be a culinary term or a botanical term.
Botanically speaking, fruits are fleshy reproductive organs of plants, the ripened ovaries containing one or many seeds. Thus, many botanical fruits are not edible at all, and some are actually extremely poisonous. In a culinary sense however, the word "fruit" is only applied to those botanical fruits which are edible, and which are considered to be a sweet or dessert food such as strawberries, peaches, plums, etc.
In contrast to this, a number of edible botanical fruits, including the tomato, the eggplant, and the bell pepper are not considered to be a sweet or dessert food, are not routinely used with sugar, but instead are almost always used as part of a savory dish, and are salted. This is the reason that they are labeled as "vegetables".
A plant part may scientifically be referred to as a "fruit", even though it is used in cooking or food preparation as a vegetable.
The question "The tomato: is it a fruit, or is it a vegetable?" found its way into the United States Supreme Court in 1893. The court ruled unanimously in Nix v. Hedden that a tomato is correctly identified as, and thus taxed as, a vegetable, for the purposes of the 1883 Tariff Act on imported produce. The court acknowledged that botanically speaking, a tomato is a fruit.

A list of vegetables defined as different parts of plants:
- Flower bud: broccoli, cauliflower
- Seeds: peas, beans
- Whole unripe seed pods: green beans, snap peas
- Botanical fruit: tomatoes, cucumbers, squash, pumpkins, capsicums (bell peppers and hot peppers), eggplant, tomatillos, christophene, okra
- Leaves: kale, collard greens, spinach, beet greens, turnip greens, endive
- Leaf sheaths: leeks
- Buds: Brussel sprouts
- Stems of leaves: celery, rhubarb (sometimes called a fruit because sweet pies are made from it)
- Stem of a plant when it is still a young shoot: asparagus
- Underground stem of a plant or tuber: potatoes, Jerusalem artichokes, sweet potato (often incorrectly called a yam in the USA), also the true yam
- Whole immature plants: bean sprouts
- Roots: carrots, parsnips, beets, radishes, turnips
- Bulbs: onions, garlic, shallots
Vegetable is also used as a literary term for any plant: vegetable matter, vegetable kingdom. It comes from Latin vegetabilis (animated) and from vegetare (enliven), which is derived from vegetus (active), in reference to the process of a plant growing. This in turn derives from the Proto-Indo-European base *weg- or *wog-, which is also the source of the English wake, meaning "not sleep". The word vegetable was first recorded in print in English in the 14th century. The meaning of "plant grown for food" was not established until the 18th century. [top]
In the diet
Vegetables are eaten in a variety of ways as part of main meals and as snacks. The nutritional content of vegetables varies considerably, though generally they contain a small proportion of protein and fat, and a relatively high proportion of vitamins, provitamins, dietary minerals, fiber and carbohydrates. Many vegetables also contain phytochemicals which may have antioxidant, antibacterial, antifungal, antiviral and anticarcinogenic properties. [top]
The green color of leafy vegetables is due to the presence of the green pigment chlorophyll. Chlorophyll is affected by pH and changes to olive green in acid conditions, and bright green in alkaline conditions. Some of the acids are released in steam during cooking, particularly if cooked without a cover.
The yellow/orange colors of fruits and vegetables are due to the presence of carotenoids, which are also affected by normal cooking processes or changes in pH.
The red/blue coloring of some fruits and vegetables (e.g. blackberries and red cabbage) are due to anthocyanins, which are sensitive to changes in pH. When pH is neutral, the pigments are purple, when acidic, red, and when alkaline, blue. These pigments are very water soluble. [top]
Many root and non-root vegetables that grow underground can be stored through winter in a root cellar or other similarly cool, dark and dry place to prevent mold, greening and sprouting. Care should be taken in understanding the properties and vulnerabilities of the particular roots to be stored. These vegetables can last through to early spring and be nearly as nutritious as when fresh.
During storage, leafy vegetables lose moisture and vitamin C degrades rapidly. They should be stored for as short a time as possible in a cool place, in a container or plastic bag. [top]
Leafy and salad vegetables
Adansonia spp.
A genus of trees known for their large trunk and long-lived lifespan. Commonly found in Africa, they have distinctive large, gourd-like fruits.
Common Name: Baobab, Kuka
Amaranthus cruentus
An annual plant often used for its edible leaves and seeds. The leaves are vibrant green and slightly crinkled.
Common Name: Amaranth, Red leaf amaranth
Atriplex hortensis
A fast-growing annual known for its arrow-shaped leaves, which are often green or reddish in color.
Common Name: Orache, Mountain spinach
Barbarea verna
A biennial herb with deeply lobed, dark green leaves that have a peppery flavor.
Common Name: Land cress, Upland cress
Basella alba
A fast-growing perennial vine with succulent, heart-shaped leaves. It's commonly grown in tropical regions.
Common Name: Ceylon spinach, Malabar spinach
Beta vulgaris subsp. cicla var. flavescens
A leafy biennial plant with thick, crinkled leaves and colorful stalks, often used in salads and cooking.
Common Name: Swiss chard
Beta vulgaris subsp. maritima
A wild ancestor of common beet, with glossy, dark green leaves and a slightly bitter taste.
Common Name: Sea beet
Brassica napus
A plant species with smooth, lobed leaves, often grown for its edible leaves and oil-rich seeds.
Common Name: Yau choy, Rapeseed
Brassica oleracea Acephala group
A variety of Brassica known for its large, dark green leaves, which are rich in vitamins and minerals.
Common Name: Kale, Collard greens
Brassica oleracea Capitata group
A biennial plant with a dense, leafy head that can be green, purple, or white.
Common Name: Cabbage
Brassica oleracea Gemmifera group
A type of cabbage known for its small, edible buds that grow along the stalk.
Common Name: Brussels sprout
Brassica rapa Alboglabra group
A leafy vegetable with thick stems and dark green leaves, commonly used in Asian cuisine.
Common Name: Kai-lan, Chinese broccoli
Brassica rapa Chinensis group
A type of Chinese cabbage with smooth, dark green leaves and thick white stalks.
Common Name: Bok choy, Pak choi
Brassica rapa Nipposinica group
A leafy green vegetable with feathery, fringed leaves, often used in salads and stir-fries.
Common Name: Mizuna greens, Japanese mustard greens
Brassica rapa Pekinensis group
A type of Chinese cabbage with a dense, cylindrical head and crinkled leaves.
Common Name: Napa cabbage, Chinese cabbage
Brassica rapa Pervidis or Komatsuna group
A fast-growing leafy vegetable with smooth, tender leaves, popular in Japanese cuisine.
Common Name: Komatsuna, Japanese mustard spinach
Brassica rapa Rosularis group
A rosette-forming leafy green with tender, spoon-shaped leaves, often used in salads and soups.
Common Name: Tatsoi, Rosette bok choy
Celtuce (Lactuca sativa var. asparagina)
A type of lettuce with thick stems and narrow leaves, known for its crisp texture and mild flavor.
Common Name: Celtuce, Stem lettuce
Celosia argentea
An herbaceous plant with brightly colored, feathery flower heads and tender leaves.
Common Name: Soko, Lagos spinach
Chenopodium album
A fast-growing annual with broad, lobed leaves and small green flowers, often considered a weed but also edible.
Common Name: Fat hen, Lamb's quarters
Chenopodium ambrosioides
An aromatic herb with serrated leaves and small green flowers, commonly used in Mexican cuisine.
Common Name: Epazote
Chenopodium bonus-henricus
A perennial herb with triangular leaves and small clusters of green flowers, often used as a spinach substitute.
Common Name: Good King Henry
Chrysanthemum coronarium
An annual herb with lobed, aromatic leaves and bright yellow or white flowers.
Common Name: Chrysanthemum, Garland chrysanthemum
Cichorium endivia
A leafy vegetable with curly or broad leaves, often used in salads for its slightly bitter taste.
Common Name: Endive
Cichorium intybus
A perennial herb with bright blue flowers and bitter leaves, often used in salads or as a coffee substitute.
Common Name: Chicory, Radicchio
Claytonia perfoliata
A low-growing, succulent plant with heart-shaped leaves and small white flowers, often used in salads.
Common Name: Winter purslane, Miner's lettuce
Corchorus capsularis
A tall annual with lance-shaped leaves and yellow flowers, known for its edible leaves and fibrous stems.
Common Name: Melokhia, Jute
Corchorus olitorius
A fast-growing annual with glossy leaves and yellow flowers, commonly used in Middle Eastern and African cuisine.
Common Name: Melokhia, Jute
Crassocephalum spp.
A genus of flowering plants with succulent stems and leaves, often used in African cuisine.
Common Name: Sierra Leone bologi
Crambe maritima
A perennial plant with thick, waxy leaves and clusters of white flowers, often found along coastlines.
Common Name: Seakale
Crithmum maritimum
A perennial herb with fleshy, aromatic leaves and small yellow-green flowers, often found in coastal areas.
Common Name: Samphire, Rock samphire
Dandelion (Taraxacum officinale)
A perennial herb with toothed leaves and bright yellow flowers, known for its edible leaves and roots.
Common Name: Dandelion
Eruca sativa
A leafy green with a distinctive peppery flavor, often used in salads and as a garnish.
Common Name: Garden Rocket, Arugula
Houttuynia cordata
A perennial herb with heart-shaped leaves and small white flowers, known for its strong, unique flavor.
Common Name: Lizard's tail, Fish mint
Hypochaeris radicata
A perennial herb with dandelion-like flowers and long, narrow leaves.
Common Name: Catsear, False dandelion
Inula crithmoides
A coastal plant with succulent, fleshy leaves and small yellow flowers, often used in Mediterranean cuisine.
Common Name: Golden samphire
Ipomoea aquatica
A semi-aquatic plant with hollow stems and arrow-shaped leaves, often used in Asian cuisine.
Common Name: Water spinach, Kangkong
Lactuca sativa
A widely cultivated annual plant with crisp, tender leaves, available in many varieties and colors.
Common Name: Lettuce
Lactuca sativa var. asparagina
A type of lettuce with thick stems and narrow leaves, known for its crisp texture and mild flavor.
Common Name: Celtuce, Stem lettuce
Lepidium sativum
A fast-growing annual with small, peppery leaves, often used in salads and sandwiches.
Common Name: Cress, Garden cress
Malva verticillata
An annual plant with round, lobed leaves and small pink or white flowers.
Common Name: Chinese mallow, Cluster mallow
Mesembryanthemum crystallinum
A succulent plant with thick, fleshy leaves covered in tiny, glistening papillae, often used in salads.
Common Name: Ice plant
Nasturtium officinale
A fast-growing aquatic or semi-aquatic plant with peppery-flavored leaves, often used in salads and as a garnish.
Common Name: Watercress
Phytolacca americana
A large perennial plant with dark purple berries and long, arching stems, known for its toxic properties when not properly prepared.
Common Name: Polk, Pokeweed
Pisum sativum
A climbing annual with compound leaves and tendrils, known for its edible seeds and tender shoots.
Common Name: Pea sprouts/leaves, Garden pea
Portulaca oleracea
A low-growing succulent with fleshy, green leaves and small yellow flowers, often used in salads.
Common Name: Summer purslane, Purslane
Pteridium aquilinum
A large, coarse fern with triangular fronds, known for its edible fiddleheads in early spring.
Common Name: Fiddlehead
Rumex acetosa
A perennial herb with arrow-shaped leaves and a tart, lemony flavor.
Common Name: Sorrel
Sinapis alba
A fast-growing annual with lobed leaves and small yellow flowers, known for its edible seeds and leaves.
Common Name: Mustard, White mustard
Spinacia oleracea
A leafy green vegetable with tender, dark green leaves, often used in salads and cooking.
Common Name: Spinach
Talinum fruticosum
A succulent herb with fleshy, oval leaves and small pink flowers, often used in soups and salads.
Common Name: Lagos bologi, Waterleaf
Taraxacum officinale
A perennial herb with toothed leaves and bright yellow flowers, known for its edible leaves and roots.
Common Name: Dandelion
Telfairia occidentalis
A tropical vine with large, lobed leaves and edible seeds, often grown in West Africa.
Common Name: Fluted pumpkin, Ugu
Tetragonia tetragonioides
A leafy green with thick, fleshy leaves and a slightly salty taste, often used in salads and cooking.
Common Name: New Zealand Spinach, Tetragon
Fruiting and flowering vegetables
Benincasa hispida
A large, oblong fruiting vegetable with a waxy green rind and white flesh. Typically used in Asian cuisine, it can be stored for long periods.
Common Name: Winter melon, Ash gourd
Capsicum annuum
A versatile plant producing fruits of various shapes, sizes, and colors, ranging from sweet to very spicy. Widely used in cooking worldwide.
Common Name: Bell pepper, Chili pepper, Sweet pepper
Capsicum frutescens
Known for its small, potent, and fiery fruits. Often used in hot sauces and spice blends.
Common Name: Cayenne pepper
Coccinia grandis
A climbing vine with small, oblong fruits that are often used in Indian and Southeast Asian cooking. The fruits are green when immature and red when ripe.
Common Name: Perennial cucumber, Ivy gourd
Cucumis anguria
Produces small, spiky fruits that are typically pickled or used in salads. The plant has a trailing vine habit.
Common Name: West Indian gherkin, Burr gherkin
Cucumis melo Flexuosus group
A long, curved fruit resembling a cucumber but with a milder flavor. Often used in salads and as a refreshing snack.
Common Name: Armenian cucumber, Snake melon
Cucumis sativus
A widely cultivated plant producing cylindrical green fruits with a crisp, refreshing taste. Commonly used in salads, pickling, and as a snack.
Common Name: Cucumber
Cucurbita ficifolia
Produces large, oval fruits with a tough skin and sweet flesh. Often used in Latin American cuisine, especially in soups and desserts.
Common Name: Malabar gourd, Fig-leaf gourd
Cucurbita maxima
A plant known for its large, often ribbed fruits that can be used in a variety of dishes. Includes many varieties of winter squash.
Common Name: Pumpkin
Cucurbita pepo
This species includes a wide variety of squashes and pumpkins, known for their edible fruits with diverse shapes and sizes.
Common Name: Zucchini, Courgette, Squash, Pattypan squash
Cyclanthera pedata
A climbing plant producing elongated, spiky fruits. The fruits are typically hollow and can be stuffed or used in stir-fries.
Common Name: Caigua, Stuffing cucumber
Cynara scolymus
Known for its large, thistle-like flower heads that are harvested for their edible buds. The tender inner leaves and heart are the primary edible parts.
Common Name: Globe Artichoke
Luffa acutangula, Luffa aegyptiaca
Vining plants producing long, fibrous fruits that can be eaten when young or used as natural sponges when mature.
Common Name: Luffa, Sponge gourd
Momordica charantia
A tropical and subtropical vine with bitter-tasting fruits. Used in many Asian cuisines and for its medicinal properties.
Common Name: Bitter melon, Bitter gourd
Physalis peruviana
Produces small, round fruits encased in a papery husk. The fruits have a sweet-tart flavor and are often used in desserts and preserves.
Common Name: Cape Gooseberry, Goldenberry
Physalis philadelphica
A plant that produces small, green or purple fruits encased in a husk. The fruits are commonly used in Mexican cuisine, especially in salsas.
Common Name: Tomatillo, Husk tomato
Praecitrullus fistulosus
A plant producing small, round, green fruits that are used in Indian cooking. The fruits are tender and typically cooked in curries.
Common Name: Tinda, Indian round gourd
Sechium edule
A vine that produces pear-shaped, light green fruits. The fruits, leaves, and roots are all edible and used in various culinary dishes.
Common Name: Chayote, Vegetable pear
Solanum lycopersicum
A widely cultivated plant known for its edible fruits, which are used in a vast array of culinary applications. The fruits come in various colors and sizes.
Common Name: Tomato
Solanum melongena
Produces large, glossy fruits that are typically purple but can also be white or striped. The fruits are used in various cuisines worldwide.
Common Name: Eggplant, Aubergine
Trichosanthes cucumerina
A vine producing long, snake-like fruits with a mild flavor. The fruits are often used in Asian cuisines, particularly in soups and stir-fries.
Common Name: Snake gourd, Serpent gourd
Trichosanthes dioica
A climbing vine that produces small, oblong fruits. Commonly used in Indian and Southeast Asian cooking, particularly in curries and stir-fries.
Common Name: Parwal, Pointed gourd
Zea mays
A tall annual grass that produces large ears of kernels. The kernels can be eaten fresh, dried, or processed into a variety of food products.
Common Name: Sweetcorn, Corn
Podded vegetables
Abelmoschus esculentus
A flowering plant known for its edible green seed pods, commonly grown in tropical and warm temperate regions.
Common Name: Okra
Arachis hypogaea
A legume crop known for its edible seeds that develop underground, popular worldwide.
Common Name: Peanut
Apios americana
A perennial vine with edible tubers and beans, native to North America.
Common Name: American groundnut
Cajanus cajan
A perennial legume cultivated in tropical and subtropical regions for its edible seeds.
Common Name: Pigeon pea
Cicer arietinum
A legume with edible seeds, commonly used in a variety of culinary dishes around the world.
Common Name: Chickpea
Cyamopsis tetragonoloba
A drought-tolerant legume known for its pods, used in culinary and industrial applications.
Common Name: Guar
Dolichos lablab
A tropical legume with vibrant purple flowers and edible beans, often grown as an ornamental plant.
Common Name: Dolichos bean, Hyacinth bean
Glycine max
A legume native to East Asia, widely grown for its edible bean which has numerous uses.
Common Name: Soybean
Lablab purpureus
A tropical legume with edible pods and seeds, used both as a food crop and ornamental plant.
Common Name: Dolichos bean, Hyacinth bean
Lathyrus sativus
A legume with edible seeds and young shoots, known for its drought resistance.
Common Name: Indian pea
Lens culinaris
A small, bushy annual plant with lens-shaped seeds, widely used as a food crop.
Common Name: Lentil
Macrotyloma uniflorum
A legume grown in arid regions for its edible seeds, which are used in various traditional dishes.
Common Name: Horse gram
Moringa oleifera
A fast-growing, drought-resistant tree known for its edible leaves, pods, and seeds.
Common Name: Drumstick
Mucuna pruriens
A tropical legume known for its medicinal properties and its ability to improve soil fertility.
Common Name: Velvet bean
Phaseolus acutifolius
A drought-resistant legume grown for its edible beans, commonly cultivated in arid regions.
Common Name: Tepary bean
Phaseolus coccineus
A climbing plant known for its vibrant flowers and edible beans, often grown ornamentally.
Common Name: Runner bean, Scarlet runner bean
Phaseolus vulgaris
A widely cultivated legume with edible seeds and pods, available in numerous varieties.
Common Name: French bean
Pisum sativum
A cool-season crop grown for its edible seeds and pods, commonly eaten fresh or dried.
Common Name: Pea
Psophocarpus tetragonolobus
A tropical legume known for its distinctive winged pods, which are edible and nutritious.
Common Name: Winged bean
Vicia faba
A robust, upright plant cultivated for its large, edible seeds, also known for its nitrogen-fixing properties.
Common Name: Fava bean
Vigna aconitifolia
A drought-tolerant legume grown for its small, edible seeds, used in various traditional dishes.
Common Name: Moth bean
Vigna angularis
A small, annual vine grown for its tiny, edible seeds, commonly used in East Asian cuisine.
Common Name: Azuki bean
Vigna radiata
A legume widely grown for its small, green edible seeds, often used in sprouts.
Common Name: Mung bean
Vigna unguiculata
A versatile legume grown for its edible seeds and pods, widely used in various cuisines.
Common Name: Cowpea, Black-eyed pea
Vigna unguiculata subsp. sesquipedalis
A vigorous climbing plant known for its exceptionally long, slender pods, used in various culinary dishes.
Common Name: Yardlong bean
Vigna unguiculata subsp. unguiculata
A legume grown for its edible seeds and pods, commonly used in Southern cuisine in the United States.
Common Name: Black-eyed pea
Vigna umbellata
A legume grown in tropical regions for its small, edible seeds, used in various traditional dishes.
Common Name: Rice bean
Vigna mungo
A legume cultivated for its small, black seeds, used in various traditional dishes in South Asia.
Common Name: Urad bean
Lupinus mutabilis
A legume known for its edible seeds that are often processed to remove bitter compounds, used in traditional Andean cuisine.
Common Name: Tarwi, tarhui, chocho
Bulb and stem vegetables
Allium ampeloprasum var. ampeloprasum
Elephant garlic has large, mild-flavored bulbs, often used as a substitute for garlic or leeks in culinary dishes.
Common Name: Elephant Garlic
Allium ampeloprasum var. kurrat
Kurrat is a type of leek with thick, flat leaves, used primarily in Middle Eastern cuisine for its mild onion flavor.
Common Name: Kurrat
Allium cepa
Onions are bulbous plants with a pungent taste, commonly used worldwide in a variety of dishes. They come in several varieties including yellow, red, and white.
Common Name: Onion
Allium cepa Aggregatum group
Shallots are a type of onion with a milder, sweeter taste, often used in gourmet cooking for their complex flavor profile.
Common Name: Shallot
Allium fistulosum
Welsh onions are perennial plants that resemble scallions and are used for their long, hollow stalks in various dishes.
Common Name: Welsh Onion
Allium porrum
Leeks are related to onions and garlic, known for their long, white stems and mild, sweet flavor. They are commonly used in soups and stews.
Common Name: Leek
Allium sativum
Garlic is a widely used culinary and medicinal plant with strong, pungent bulbs composed of multiple cloves.
Common Name: Garlic
Allium tricoccum
Wild leeks, also known as ramps, have a strong garlic-like flavor and are prized in foraging. They have broad, green leaves and small, white bulbs.
Common Name: Wild Leek, Ramps
Apium graveolens
Celery is a crunchy, fibrous vegetable commonly used in salads and as a flavoring base in soups and stews. It has long, ribbed stalks and feathery leaves.
Common Name: Celery
Apium graveolens var. rapaceum
Celeriac, also known as celery root, is a knobby, edible root vegetable with a flavor reminiscent of celery and parsley. It is often used in soups and purees.
Common Name: Celeriac, Celery Root
Asparagus officinalis
Asparagus is a perennial vegetable with slender, spear-like shoots. It is prized for its delicate flavor and is often steamed or roasted.
Common Name: Asparagus
Bambusa vulgaris
Bamboo shoots are the edible sprouts of bamboo plants. They are crunchy and slightly sweet, commonly used in Asian cuisine.
Common Name: Bamboo Shoots
Brassica oleracea Gongylodes group
Kohlrabi is a bulbous stem vegetable with a mild, sweet taste. It can be eaten raw or cooked and has a texture similar to broccoli stems or cabbage.
Common Name: Kohlrabi
Cynara cardunculus
Cardoon is a thistle-like plant with edible stalks that taste similar to artichoke. It is often blanched and cooked in Mediterranean dishes.
Common Name: Cardoon
Foeniculum vulgare var. dulce
Florence fennel, also known as bulb fennel, has a crunchy bulb with a sweet, anise-like flavor. It is used in salads, roasted, or grilled.
Common Name: Florence Fennel, Bulb Fennel
Nelumbo nucifera
Lotus root is an underwater rhizome with a crunchy texture and a mild, sweet flavor. It is commonly used in Asian cuisine, often stir-fried or pickled.
Common Name: Lotus Root
Opuntia ficus-indica
Nopal, or prickly pear cactus, is a vegetable with edible pads that have a slightly tart flavor. It is often used in Mexican cuisine, in salads or grilled.
Common Name: Nopal, Prickly Pear
Ornithogalum pyrenaicum
Prussian asparagus, also known as Bath asparagus, is a wild plant with tender shoots that taste similar to asparagus. It is often foraged in Europe.
Common Name: Prussian Asparagus, Bath Asparagus
Sechium edule
Chayote is a pear-shaped, green vegetable with a mild flavor and crisp texture. It is commonly used in Latin American and Asian cuisines.
Common Name: Chayote, Vegetable Pear, Mirliton
Root and tuberous vegetables
Amorphophallus paeoniifolius
Commonly known as the Elephant Foot Yam, this plant features large, tuberous corms and a unique flowering structure. It is cultivated in tropical regions for its edible corms.
Common Name: Elephant Foot Yam
Arctium lappa
Known as Gobo or Greater Burdock, this plant has large, heart-shaped leaves and produces purple thistle-like flowers. The edible root is long and slender.
Common Name: Gobo, Greater Burdock
Arracacia xanthorrhiza
Arracacha, a root vegetable similar to parsnip, is widely grown in South America. It has a creamy texture and a flavor reminiscent of celery and chestnuts.
Common Name: Arracacha
Bunium persicum
Black Cumin, also known as Kala Jeera, produces small, slender roots and tiny, aromatic seeds used as a spice. It is native to the Middle East and India.
Common Name: Black Cumin, Kala Jeera
Camas, a flowering plant with edible bulbs, is found in North America. The plant produces blue to purple star-shaped flowers and is important in indigenous cuisine.
Common Name: Camas
Canna spp.
Canna plants have large, tropical-looking leaves and bright, showy flowers. The rhizomes are edible and used in some cuisines.
Common Name: Canna
Colocasia esculenta
Taro, a staple in tropical diets, has large, heart-shaped leaves and starchy tubers. The tubers must be cooked to neutralize toxins.
Common Name: Taro
Conopodium majus
Pignut, also known as Earthnut, produces small, edible tubers with a nutty flavor. It is native to Europe and found in woodlands and grasslands.
Common Name: Pignut, Earthnut
Cordyline fruticosa
Ti, a tropical plant with colorful, broad leaves, is often used in traditional Polynesian cuisine. The starchy roots are baked or fermented.
Common Name: Ti
Cyperus esculentus
Tigernut, also known as Earth Almond, produces small, tuberous rhizomes with a sweet, nutty flavor. It is cultivated for its edible tubers and used to make horchata.
Common Name: Tigernut, Earth Almond
Daucus carota
Carrot, a widely cultivated root vegetable, has a crisp texture and sweet flavor. The edible taproot comes in various colors, including orange, purple, and yellow.
Common Name: Carrot
Eleocharis dulcis
Water Chestnut, an aquatic plant, produces crisp, white corms used in Asian cuisine. It grows in shallow water and has tubular, grass-like stems.
Common Name: Water Chestnut
Ensete ventricosum
Ensete, also known as False Banana, has large, banana-like leaves and a starchy pseudostem used in Ethiopian cuisine. The plant is a staple food in some African regions.
Common Name: Ensete, False Banana
Helianthus tuberosus
Jerusalem Artichoke, also known as Sunchoke, produces knobby, edible tubers. It has sunflower-like flowers and is grown in temperate regions.
Common Name: Jerusalem Artichoke, Sunchoke
Manihot esculenta
Cassava, also known as Yuca, is a tropical root vegetable with starchy tubers. It is a major source of carbohydrates in many tropical regions and must be cooked properly to remove toxins.
Common Name: Cassava, Yuca
Nelumbo nucifera
Lotus Root, an aquatic plant, produces edible rhizomes with a crunchy texture and a slightly sweet taste. The plant has large, round leaves and beautiful pink flowers.
Common Name: Lotus Root
Pachyrhizus ahipa
Ahipa, a root vegetable from South America, has a sweet, juicy flavor. The edible tubers are crunchy and are often eaten raw or cooked.
Common Name: Ahipa
Pachyrhizus erosus
Jicama, also known as Mexican Yam Bean, has a crisp, juicy texture and a slightly sweet taste. The tubers are commonly eaten raw in salads or cooked in various dishes.
Common Name: Jicama, Mexican Yam Bean
Pastinaca sativa
Parsnip, a root vegetable with a sweet, nutty flavor, is often roasted, mashed, or used in soups and stews. It has a pale cream color and is similar in appearance to a carrot.
Common Name: Parsnip
Petroselinum crispum var. tuberosum
Hamburg Parsley, also known as Root Parsley, produces both edible roots and leaves. The roots have a parsley-like flavor and are used in soups and stews.
Common Name: Hamburg Parsley, Root Parsley
Plectranthus spp.
Plectranthus, also known as Spurflower, includes several species with edible tubers. The tubers are used in various traditional cuisines and the plants are often grown for ornamental purposes.
Common Name: Plectranthus, Spurflower
Psoralea esculenta
Prairie Turnip, a root vegetable native to North America, has starchy, edible tubers. It was a staple food for indigenous peoples and is known for its nutty flavor.
Common Name: Prairie Turnip
Raphanus sativus
Radish, a popular root vegetable, has a peppery flavor and crisp texture. The roots come in various shapes, sizes, and colors, including red, white, and black.
Common Name: Radish
Raphanus sativus Longipinnatus group
Daikon, a type of radish, has long, white roots and a mild flavor. It is commonly used in Asian cuisine, both raw and cooked.
Common Name: Daikon, White Radish
Sagittaria latifolia
Broadleaf Arrowhead, also known as Duck Potato, produces edible tubers. It grows in wetlands and has arrow-shaped leaves and white flowers.
Common Name: Broadleaf Arrowhead, Duck Potato
Scorzonera hispanica
Scorzonera, also known as Black Salsify, has long, slender roots with a mild, oyster-like flavor. The roots are black on the outside and white on the inside.
Common Name: Scorzonera, Black Salsify
Sium sisarum
Skirret, a root vegetable with sweet, white tubers, was popular in medieval Europe. The plant produces clusters of small white flowers.
Common Name: Skirret
Smallanthus sonchifolius
Yacon, a root vegetable native to the Andes, has crisp, juicy tubers with a sweet flavor. The plant produces small, yellow flowers and is related to sunflowers.
Common Name: Yacon
Solanum tuberosum
Potato, one of the world's most important food crops, has starchy tubers used in a variety of dishes. The plant has green leaves and white or purple flowers.
Common Name: Potato
Tragopogon porrifolius
Salsify, also known as Oyster Plant, has long, tapered roots with a mild flavor. The plant produces purple flowers and is often used in soups and stews.
Common Name: Salsify, Oyster Plant
Ullucus tuberosus
Ulluco, a root vegetable from the Andes, has colorful, waxy tubers with a beet-like flavor. The leaves are also edible and used in salads and stews.
Common Name: Ulluco
Wasabia japonica
Wasabi, known for its pungent flavor, produces a rhizome used as a spice. The plant grows in cool, mountain streams and has large, heart-shaped leaves.
Common Name: Wasabi
Zingiber officinale
Ginger, a widely used spice, has knobby, aromatic rhizomes with a pungent flavor. The plant has narrow leaves and produces small, yellow-green flowers.
Common Name: Ginger
Sea vegetables
Alaria esculenta
A large, brown seaweed found in the North Atlantic Ocean, characterized by its long, strap-like fronds. It's edible and often used in soups and salads.
Common Name: Dabberlocks, Badderlocks
Caulerpa spp.
A genus of green algae with grape-like structures or feathery fronds, often found in shallow, tropical, and subtropical waters.
Common Name: Sea Grape
Callophyllis variegata
A red algae species known for its feathery, branching fronds, often found in cold, temperate waters.
Common Name: Carola
Cladosiphon okamuranus
A type of brown seaweed, thin and thread-like, commonly harvested for food in Okinawa, Japan.
Common Name: Mozuku
Enteromorpha spp.
Green algae with hollow, tubular fronds, typically found in intertidal zones and estuaries.
Common Name: Aonori
Gelidium spp.
Red algae known for their gelatinous texture, used primarily in the production of agar.
Common Name: Agar
Gracilaria spp.
A group of red algae with branched, cylindrical fronds, commonly used in the production of agar and as a food source.
Common Name: Ogonori
Hizikia fusiformis
A type of brown seaweed with a bushy appearance, often used in Japanese cuisine.
Common Name: Hijiki
Laminaria japonica
A large, brown kelp with wide, flat fronds, extensively harvested in East Asia for its nutritional and medicinal properties.
Common Name: Kombu
Monostroma spp.
A genus of green algae with delicate, sheet-like fronds, commonly used in soups and salads in Asian cuisine.
Common Name: Aonori
Palmaria palmata
A red seaweed with flat, broad fronds, rich in protein and minerals, commonly eaten dried or fresh.
Common Name: Dulse
Porphyra spp.
A genus of red algae with thin, delicate fronds, widely cultivated and used in sushi wraps and other dishes.
Common Name: Laver, Nori (Japan), Gim (Korea)
Postelsia palmaeformis
A type of brown seaweed with a distinctive palm-like appearance, found along the rocky coasts of the Pacific Northwest.
Common Name: Sea Palm
Ulva lactuca
A green algae with broad, thin, and ruffled fronds, commonly found in shallow coastal waters and estuaries.
Common Name: Sea Lettuce
Undaria pinnatifida
A large, brown kelp with a central midrib and wavy fronds, popular in East Asian cuisine and known for its health benefits.
Common Name: Wakame
You've explored an in-depth overview of vegetables, uncovering both their botanical characteristics and their culinary uses. The term "vegetable" is traditionally defined, encompassing a variety of herbaceous plants and plant parts regularly consumed as food. Although not a scientific classification, vegetables are crucial in diets worldwide for their nutritional value.
The article began by discussing leafy and salad vegetables, which are rich in vitamins and minerals. Examples include amaranth, bok choy, Brussels sprouts, and lettuce, each offering unique health benefits and culinary applications.
Fruiting and flowering vegetables, such as eggplants, bell peppers, and tomatoes, were highlighted for their dual classification as botanical fruits but culinary vegetables. These vegetables are essential for savory dishes and are known for their vibrant colors and nutrient density.
In the section on podded vegetables, legumes like chickpeas, lentils, and mung beans were discussed. These vegetables are celebrated for their high protein content and versatility in various cuisines.
Bulb and stem vegetables like garlic, leeks, and onions were noted for their strong flavors and essential roles in enhancing dishes. They provide unique textures and tastes while also offering health benefits such as boosting the immune system.
Root and tuberous vegetables, including carrots, potatoes, and sweet potatoes, were examined for their underground growth and importance as staple foods in many cultures. These vegetables are rich in carbohydrates and provide essential nutrients like fiber and vitamins.
The article also covered sea vegetables such as nori and sea lettuce, emphasizing their unique properties and importance in coastal cuisines. These vegetables are known for their high mineral content and health benefits, including improving thyroid function and digestion.
Overall, the article highlighted the diversity of vegetables, their nutritional benefits, and their culinary uses, offering a comprehensive understanding of how these plants contribute to a healthy diet and diverse cuisine