FULL GARDENS .com - Famous Botanical Gardens in Latvia

Famous Botanical Gardens in Latvia [Back]

Latvia's rich botanical heritage is showcased through its esteemed botanical gardens, which serve as centers for conservation, research, and public education. These gardens offer visitors the opportunity to explore diverse plant collections, reflecting the country's commitment to preserving its natural flora and fostering environmental awareness. Here are some of the most notable botanical gardens in Latvia:

National Botanic Garden of Latvia

Located in Salaspils, the National Botanic Garden of Latvia is one of the largest botanical gardens in the Baltic states, covering an area of approximately 129 hectares. Established in 1956, it boasts a collection of over 14,000 plant taxa, including more than 5,000 woody plant species. The garden's diverse collections and expositions serve as valuable resources for scientists, professional gardeners, and hobbyists alike. Visitors can explore various plant collections, including rhododendrons, roses, and conifers, and participate in plant fairs and educational programs.

University of Latvia Botanical Garden

Established in 1922, the University of Latvia Botanical Garden is the oldest botanical garden in the country, situated in Riga. Spanning approximately 15 hectares, it houses around 5,600 plant taxa, including both greenhouse and outdoor collections. The garden features an arboretum, ornamental plant collections, and a tropical butterfly house open from March to October. It serves as a center for research, education, and public engagement, offering guided tours, workshops, and cultural events throughout the year.

Kalsnava Arboretum

Located in Kalsnava Parish, the Kalsnava Arboretum was founded in 1975 and encompasses approximately 148 hectares. It contains around 2,500 different taxa and approximately 45,000 individual plants, making it one of the largest collections of decorative trees and shrubs in the eastern part of Latvia. The arboretum is home to several remarkable tree and shrub varieties, including a Virginia Tulip (Liriodendron tulipifera), a Fringe Tree (Chionanthus virginicus), and a Kobe Magnolia (Magnolia kobus). It also boasts the largest collection of peonies in Latvia and hosts many deciduous and evergreen trees, lilacs, climbing plants, and rhododendrons. The arboretum is open to visitors and offers a variety of services, including plant sales and educational programs.